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further reserach.

Timer to track how long on technology? The easiest way to avoid being on your phone? Put it somewhere else. I do this constantly, without even meaning to, and it’s kind of nice. The more often you do this, the more you’ll be able to leave your phone without missing it. If you’re used to having your phone in your hand at all times, it might be a little difficult in the beginning. But over time you’ll develop a habit of learning to be okay without your phone for a period of time. It’s nice to be able to focus on something else for a while without the distraction of your phone buzzing from group texts and such.


“Zen is not some kind of excitement, but concentration on our usual everyday routine.” – Shunryu Suzuki


BOILING CRAB forces you to eat with your hands, can’t use technology!


Steve jobs limited the use of technology for his kids


“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity”

Albert Einstein
Restrict technology with some kind of activity

When two people meet, phone lights up and says “look up and talk to blah blah” In an effort to maintain my balance I’ve taken to trying (yes, trying, I’ll admit to not being 100% successful) to spend a couple nights a week and at least a day on the weekend away from the computer, at the very least, and away from most technology all together. When I’ve been able to do it it’s been great. I’ve been noticing that the next day I’m much more creative and highly energized. As well, despite the fact that I do have a bit of catching up to do, it feels like I’m more productive overall. Could be just a coincidence, but perception is reality right?



Improper use or indulgence can be a bad thing.


Technology can be used to bring your family together. You control the tools; the tools do not control you.

Some sort of technologically-mediated interaction considerably better than others, and could future media simulate being in a room with someone? The loss of personal connection accelerated with the rise of television, so people watched screens with which they had no interaction. Watching television with others in the room offers the possibility of some live discussion, but it is increasingly common for each member of a household to have their own screen in their own room.


“Eating with the hands evokes great emotion,” she said. “It kindles something very warm and gentle and caressing. Using a fork is unthinkable in traditional Indian eating. It is almost like a weapon.” Eating with the hands is common in many areas of the world, including parts of Asia and much of Africa and the Middle East. But until recently, you would have been hard-pressed to find many restaurants in the United States — especially those with $20 or $30 entrees — where digging in manually was encouraged. Now, several high-profile chefs are asking diners to get their hands dirty, in the belief that it heightens the sensual connection to food and softens the formality of fine dining.

One of the greatest gifts you can give your family members is your attention. If you’re only half-listening to your family as you scroll through your Facebook feed, you’re sending the message that they’re not really important. Make it a point to pay attention to your family when they’re talking to you.


POINT: "I've been in the wireless cell phone business for 10 years and every day I come home everybody is consumed with technology,” he noted. “I wanted a place where we could all come together and just be a family and talk about and reflect on the day."


an asana called sukhasana or a near padmasana which in turn is very good for our health. This posture allows the mind to calm—the first step in the process of meditation. The asana applies pressure to the lower spine which may facilitate relaxation. The breathing can slow down, muscular tensions decrease and blood pressure subsides. The coccygeal and spinal nerves are toned as the large blood flow to the legs is redirected to the abdominal region, which may help to improve digestion (Source: Satyanda, Swami (November 2002) Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha (12th edition), Bihar School of Yoga). The benefits of sitting on the floor have its roots both in yoga and Ayurveda.


POSITION: When we sit on the floor not only the posture that is sitting cross legged which is a yoga asana as mentioned above helps in digestion, but also apart from that when the plate is placed on the floor in front of you we naturally have to bend forward to eat from the plate and go back to our natural position. This constant back and forth movement helps in the abdomen muscles being activated throughout the meal and leads to better secretion of the digestive juices(acids) making the food to be digested properly and quickly. Also, this position does not compress our stomach in anyway helping us eat and digest better. Moreover, the regular stretching of these essential muscles also helps make you more flexible and healthy. the healthiest thing to do is to sit and what better than sitting on the floor, which also involves the exercise of sitting down and getting up.


Designating a meal as its own activity will help you connect to your food and eat less. Constant grazers or those who chow down at the fridge put themselves at a disadvantage. When people stand up and eat, they’re not always taking stock of what’s being consumed. On the other hand this position the semi padmasana also enables us to eat slowly than in other positions which in fact give your stomach and brain time to cognate the signals of feeling full, thereby preventing overeating and bingeing. (Source: health.harvard.edu) Sitting down to eat on the floor is generally done as a family activity with everyone sitting together to eat. This increases the bonding of the family as the members put behind whatever difference they had and come to enjoy and have the meal together as a unit. The posture being a yoga asana also calms the mind and the body as explained above and results in a happy and a relaxed family get together.

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