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Teaching Manifesto


1. Education should be available to EVERYONE, no matter what financial issues are present.

2. Through teaching, we must empower the youth for they are the world of tomorrow.

3. Educators should ground themselves to the level of the students; there is no hierarchy.

4. We are here to teach the youth, they are here to teach us.

5. Educators should not teach what they do not believe.

6. Teachings should be pertaining to and of the community and situations/conflicts involved.

7. Students should be engaged and understand that the teachings at hand are pertinent to their future.

8. Creativity cannot be measured on a grade scale; knowledge that is learned to regurgitate is not knowledge that is learned to retain.

9. Lessons provided should incorporate all learning levels and all mediums, from design to fine art.

10. Eduction should be hands-on, visual, and entertaining.




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